Horizon International Schools are delighted to welcome you to Mathemania Puzzle Contest 2015. It is with excitement and great anticipation that we await the contest in order to serve more students every year with the aim of helping them develop some fundamental skills needed for 21st century education.

The event will be held on SEPTEMBER 6, 2015.

Mathemania Puzzle Contest has grown to be one of the biggest and most prestigious math-oriented competitions in Myanmar since 2005. We now host over a thousand participants at 5 different centers in five different cities in Myanmar: Yangon, Mandalay, Taunggyi, Sagaing and Muse.

The puzzles in Mathemania Puzzle Contest are designed around 5 basic skills that are essential for students’ success in different subject areas such as mathematics, sciences and technology. The skills include arithmetic, visual/spatial, counting, pattern finding, and logical reasoning.

You will find puzzles from the past Mathemania Puzzle contests in this booklet. We hope that this booklet will help you to understand Mathemania puzzles and practice techniques to solve them. Solving the puzzles without looking at the solutions will help you acquire many different skills and be ready for solving the new puzzles.

Horizon International Schools are looking forward to hosting this grand event in 2015.

Let’s get puzzled then.

Some technical details regarding the Puzzle Contest are as follows:
1. Levels

Participants are placed at three different levels in the contest according to their age.

Levels Date of Birth
Primary June 1, 2004- May 31, 2007
Secondary June 1, 2001- May 31, 2004
High June 1, 1998- May 31, 2001

2. Skills

The puzzles in the contest are designed around 5 skills:
• Arithmetic, where understanding of numerical skills are assessed
• Visual/Spatial, where the visual skills are required to solve the puzzles
• Counting, where students are required to use a systematic way to count
• Pattern, where discovery of different level patterns is expected
• Logical Reasoning, where students use their logical and reasoning skills to tackle the puzzles.