Our International curriculum addresses social-emotional development via engaging activities and positive reinforcement and by actively involving parents in our lessons and extra-curricular programs. We follow an age-appropriate curriculum based on the latest research on early childhood learning. Children are free to explore their world using classroom toys, sand, water, paint, life-sized blocks and out playground equipment. BFI Kindergarten Programs
A theme-based approach links the topics to different subjects such as:
Music and Movement,
Story & Music,
English Phonics: Letter & Sound,
Music and Movement,
Story & Music,
English Phonics: Letter & Sound,
English Writing,
English Language & Literacy,
Social Studies,
Environmental Awareness – Field Trips,
Fine Arts, Drawing & Painting,
Physical development: Large motor skills, sand and water,
Gymnastics/Swimming & Various Sports,
Health & Safety, and
We also encourage children’s creativity and independence by allowing them to direct their own learning via guided play periods. During these periods, children are free to explore their world using classroom toys, sand, water, paint, life-sized blocks and out playground equipment. Field trips, performances and family programs are other key components of our holistic approach designed to educate, stimulate and challenge our students.