Teaching Preschoolers Is Rewarding

Teaching Preschoolers Is Rewarding

Teaching preschoolers is not that easy. It can be overwhelming! Absolutely cute kids in class but a 3-year old can eat you alive! However, with right skills, trainings and passion, teaching preschoolers is very rewarding. It cultivates the inner child in us, allowing us to widen our horizon and see the world differently.

We love our job. It is very rewarding knowing that we help build the world for these young kids. We just don’t teach reading, writing and Maths. We foster curiosity. We breed love and compassion while igniting their desire to learn. We celebrate milestones. Small things are big to us. We laugh and play. We play because we want them to understand their world.

We want them to learn how to get along with other people around them, to exist and for them to make choices without any expectations. We model patience to recognize and celebrate positive behavior to build their confidence and for them to repeat these behaviors. We steady the ground beneath these kids so they can be safe and brave enough to keep exploring and influencing their world, and to keep establishing their very important place in it.

Ms.Rhodora A. Tabora