“Another Toys Story” Project by Shu Khinn Thar Campus Year 11 Students
Students from Horizon International Schools Shu Khinn Thar campus visited an orphanage last Saturday, July 30 and made a big donation to the kids there. Y11 students have been preparing for this project, which they named “Another Toy Story”, more than one month during their Character First classes.
After announcing at the morning assembly in late June, they posted posters all around the school and motivated their friends, teachers and parents to donate toys to this campaign. By presenting toys to the orphans, Y11s aimed to give “love and affection to the orphans who don’t have parents’ love and caring” as it is stated on their poster. Horizon students participated actively in many charity organizations in the past as well as teaching activities in monasteries, orphanages and some government schools in rural areas. This time instead of collecting money, Y11s focused on collecting toys and planned this project which is to distribute toys kids don’t play anymore to orphans and needy.
Following a one-month period of collection and organizing, last weekend they visited in Thanlyn. After getting necessary permission from the administrators they decorated a room with toys. Under the supervision of their teachers, students from Kindergarten level to year 2 levels came to that room to get their toys. When everybody got their toys, Horizon students played games with the kids.
We would like to thank all Year 11 students for planning and organizing this meaningful event and to all people who donated toys or money for this charity. We hope that with this activity, our students will give hope and happiness to the orphans. We are proud of our students who are very willing towards helping and caring for others. Their enthusiasm and active participation in such organizations give us hope for the future.