Donation from Horizon International Schools for Flood Victims

Donation from Horizon International Schools for Flood Victims

August 23, 2015 was an important date for Horizon International Schools’ students in Yangon and Mandalay as they had opportunity to travel to Kyangin Township for donation to flood victims. Along with teachers and supervisors, the students travelled far distance to help homeless and poverty-stricken flood victims. The victims had gathered in a shrine to receive the donations collected. The people, with a mix of smiles and tears, looked quite desperate, tired and in need for any help.

Along with Township officials, students and teachers delivered all donation items one by one directly to the victims.

Visiting the places and providing donations directly, helped students and teachers to empathise more with the people in need. Handing the boxes personally to each of the victims made students feel empowered to realise and know that they had created smiles from tears.

​Donations, both in Mandalay and Yangon campuses, were gathered through many activities such as organising food fair, fund raising, fun activities, cash donations and so on. ​It was a memorable experience for all students as, for some of the people, it was a first time service experience.

After this event, one of the Year 1 International Baccalaureate students, Aung Hein Oo @ Robert, reflected his learning experience with the following words: ‘…we have learnt that true happiness is not forcefully obtained or in material things but lies in helping others. We are now planning to do even more of these community service activities and we believe that we have also inspired many people around us to join our team and help those in need’​​

The donations, both in Mandalay and Yangon schools, totalled to more than 150 lakhs Kyats along with items for people’s daily use such as food, rice, clothing and toothpaste