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Admission Policy and Procedure

A parent planning to enrol a student at our schools must complete the student enrolment procedure. The enrolment process requires seven steps:

  • Initial meeting of the parent/guardian with school administration to go over the instructional philosophy, tuition payment, as well as a review of the school programme and facilities.
  • The Pre-admission form must be completed
  • After the approval of the pre-admission form by respective school administrators, the student is given a placement test (Fee applies).
  • The admission committee evaluates student placement test results.
  • A short interview is conducted by administration with the applicant. A decision is made based on the test results and general impression from the interview.
  • Completion of all student information forms.
  • Return of the completed forms, along with the registration fee.


Important Documents to Bring

Parents should bring the following materials to assist with the student’s placement:

  • Previous scholastic records from last school attended (last two years).
  • A recommendation letter from the last school attended is needed.
  • Evidence of date of birth or ID card, passport copy (if applicable)
  • 2 photographs



Important: School administration holds the right to deny any student’s application.


 Admission Package

Parents/Students/Guardians receive an Admission Package that includes documents such

as the Admission Form, Tuition Fee Payment Plan, Student Handbook and the yearly academic calendar.

  • All of the above-mentioned forms should be filled in by every parent/guardian during

Previous to enrolment.

  • The Medical Form should be completed and revised when enrolling in school, to show student medical conditions or illnesses or medications of which the school should be aware.
  • It is important that parents fill in the important information concerning their children which includes emergency contact phone numbers, medical history, etc. In the event of any emergency, the school holds the right to admit the student to the nearest hospital, in case the parents/guardians of the student cannot be contacted.
  • The School office should be notified of any changes that might affect the Admission Process.


Transfers Among Our Campuses

  • Concerned parents must submit a letter of transfer request to the school student currently attends.
  • Student can be transferred after the approval of the Board of Directors.
  • The school principal determines conditions of the transfer.
  • If approved, parents still have to fill in the admission form and the medical form.
  • Parents must be aware of possible differences in the payment plans and fees among the campuses.


Student Information Confidentiality

The following areas of information concerning your child may be released when the administration considers it necessary.

  • Name
  • Photographs
  • Previous school records
  • Address
  • Years of attendance
  • Telephone numbers
  • Enrolment status
  • Date & place of birth
  • Achievements
  • Grade-level national or international competitions


Registration Renewal

Registration is conducted on first-come-first-serve basis.

  • Every year details of the registration process are announced to the parents before the early registration period.
  • There are special discounts during the early registration period.
  • Registrations are conducted on a first-come-first-serve basis.

The Early Registration Period starts in February and ends at the end of March. Discount rates cover only tuition fees and different rates are applied in February and March.

Important: Parents are strongly advised to plan ahead and make payment during the registration period.

Terminating Enrolment

Once a student has terminated his or her enrolment, that student’s place is taken by a new enrolment. If the student wants to return to our schools, that student is treated as a new applicant, and must go through the new admission process mentioned above.

Before terminating enrolment, students need to submit the following to the Office/Library:

  • Textbooks
  • Library books and materials
  • ID cards
  • Car-pass cards
  • Any fees that haven’t been paid [includes tuition fees, library fees, damages, …]


Important: Students who do not meet the above conditions will not be issued any school documents.