Dear Our lovely Parents

Dear Our lovely Parents

Dear our lovely Mandalay International Kindergarten parents,

Let’s have Hh. Hh for helping hands. This month of August, Mandalay International Kindergarten [M.I.K] will be having an activity that will help children to be aware of helping others. HELPING HANDS!!!
Helping Hands is one of the programs of MIK for this school year 2018-2019. This program helps children of MIK to be aware of the importance of helping others with the little things that they have. This opens children’s minds of the different ways to help others. With this program, children will build their self esteem and competence as helping habits are recognized and displayed.

Helping hands can be child-sized too. Parents want their kids to care about others – whether at school, in their community, or anywhere in the world. In school children are taught on how to be good and be kind to others. But not just that, we also teach them on how to put these into actions by helping others.

Do your children help you with daily chores? Although it may be easier to do the task yourself, children learn from doing real work. As young children learn a new task, they need step-by-step instructions and time to practice, practice, and practice! Children may need to be reminded often, and that their work won’t be perfect! Helping a friend when they don’t know what to do and helping a friend to get up when they fall.Putting their books on its right place, cleaning up the toys after playing and helping their teachers with anything. These are just one of the few things that children do at school. These are very simple yet amazing.

Children who lend a helping hand only shows that, even if they are little still they make a difference and change the world in their own little ways.

Together let’s make a difference in this world by being kind and helpful.
Miss Criselda C. Telen